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Plan Canada Fall 2024 Issue

Progressive Planning Policies & Tools

Planners are called upon to shape the futures of our communities. To get the job done, planners rely on an assortment of tools, including policies, bylaws, standards, and guidelines. These documents put the “plan” in “planning”. Nevertheless, the “what” and the “how” of planning are in constant evolution.

The Fall 2024 issue of Plan Canada is intended to share, illuminate, and discuss progressive planning policies and tools that planners from coast-to-coast-to-coast are using to shape Canada’s communities.

Share your practices and lessons learned to advance sustainable, healthy, equitable, and inclusive communities and collaboration with interdisciplinary colleagues, community members, elected officials, and between governments.

Plan Canada is seeking articles that explore a range of related issues, including but not limited to:

  • Provincial planning legislation and policies;
  • Municipal land use, transportation, urban design, and heritage policies, bylaws, standards, and guidelines and how they relate to development proposal and review activities;
  • Connections between municipal plans and policies implemented by other organizations (e.g. building codes, airport regulation, monetary policies);
  • Connections between policies and the economy;
  • International innovations and best practices;
  • Forecasting, modelling, visualization, analytics, and collaboration tools to inform, engage, and shape decisions; and
  • Planning education and the skills and knowledge that planners should possess.

Your co-leads are Rylan Graham PhD, RPP, MCIP who is based in Prince George, BC and Ezra Wasser RPP, MCIP who works for the City of Toronto.

If you would like to discuss a concept for an article, please contact Raymond and/or Ezra by May 31, 2024.

The deadline for pieces for this issue is July 12, 2024.

Submissions are now closed