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Member Benefits

Professional Liability Insurance

CIP members can enjoy a variety of benefits and services, including professional liability insurance (PLI), brokered by BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd. (BMS).

PLI Coverage for the 2025-2026 Policy Period

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why Do I Need PLI?

Professional liability insurance (PLI) protects you against liability or allegations of liability for injury or damages that have resulted from a negligent act, error, omission, or malpractice that has arisen out of your professional capacity as a planner or if a complaint is made against you to your regulatory body. As a professional member (Full/Candidate), your membership automatically includes $5 million CAD in PLI coverage.

How Do I Activate My PLI?

PLI is automatically included as part of the Full/Candidate membership category. If you are renewing your membership, please click the link in your membership renewal email notification to complete the following steps: review your contact information, update your communication preferences, and confirm your membership type. Then, select either the cheque/invoice or credit card payment option. 

What Happens if I Do NOT Renew My Full/Candidate membership?

If your Full or Candidate membership is not renewed by March 1st, your PLI coverage will lapse effective that date. Please note, the PLI is written on a claims-made and reported basis, meaning that coverage must be in place at the time a claim is made for coverage to apply.

For information on the implications of not renewing your insurance by March 1st, please reach out to your PTIA directly.

What if I retire or discontinue practice?

The PLI automatically includes a 10-year Extended Reporting Period. An Extended Reporting Period (ERP) is a designated time period after a claims-made policy has expired during which a claim may be made and coverage triggered as if the claim had been made during the policy period. ERP provides coverage for claims that arise after the policy has expired and the planner has ceased practicing (for example, due to retirement) but only with respect to any wrongful act, error, omission or negligent act committed when they were practicing (i.e., prior to retirement).

Watch the webinar below to better understand your PLI requirements and coverage. Please note this video is an explanation of CIP member benefits and is not eligible for CPL units: