Summer 2024, VOL. 64, NO. 1

Water supports our daily life. Integrated planning that accounts for the whole water cycle is integral for sustainable communities. As our climate changes, so does the water cycle. We are seeing more extreme precipitation events and devastating droughts. To accommodate for our changing water cycle, are we changing the way we plan for managing water, especially in our communities? Water management is fundamentally an interdisciplinary practice and planners play an important role in collaborating across disciplines to integrate water needs into land use decisions.

In this issue…


Housing, the Water Infrastructure that Serves It, and the Changing Social Contract by Nicola Crawhall

Design Standards Modernization: A Collaborative Approach to Optimize Infrastructure Design by Susan Ancel and Heather Zarski

Reversing the Tide: Flood Protecting the Toronto Port Lands by Corey Bialek

Eau Secours de Gabrielle Roy-Grégoire et Antoine Camion

A Global Initiative Dedicated to Water Emerges in Georgian Bay by Dan Travers

Waste Not, Want Not: Planning for Sustainable and Adaptable Wastewater Surveillance Infrastructure by Alex Ho Shing Chik

Making Waves in Utility Planning through the Development of Vancouver’s First Healthy Waters Plan by Lauren Foote and Zoe Greenberg

Prairie Spotlight: Natural Infrastructure for Water by Rebecca Row, Josée Méthot, and Ashley Rawluk

Water is All: Integrated Water Management in the Regional District of Nanaimo by Kim Fowler


Editors’ Note by Sandra Cooke and Sarah Ezzio

Fellows Corner by Hugh Kellas

Planner’s Bookshelf

Book Review by Emilie K. Adin

Planning Research Digest

Contribute Your Expertise

We invite submissions of short papers and research reviews, notes on practice, and book or film reviews. We favour articles with a strong policy framework and context, containing clear methodologies pertaining to studies and research, and providing critical reflection or lessons for planning practice. Submissions on planning-related topics are always welcome, regardless of the theme.