By: CIP Recognition Committee

Area of Planning: Municipal Government – Community Planning

Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: Professional Planner with 15 years experience in various Municipal Governments focusing on Community Planning and policy development. Recruited to help CIP for the 2017 CIP/APPI Conference in Calgary as the co-chair of the conference steering committee. Honoured to be selected to be co-chair of the 2019 CIP Centenary Conference in Ottawa.

What’s New or Exciting at Work? I was just recruited to be Community Planning Manager with the City of Saint John – this is a new role which I am still finding my feet in

What are your hopes for the next 100 years of planning? My hope for the next 100 years is that planning grows and evolves to become a more inclusionary in the focus of City/community building. That we begin to include more social elements into our practice (we already have as some communities focus on population growth and attraction/retention of immigrants) and work toward more partnerships with other organizations like professional architects, transportation planning and others to have group events/conferences on City Building.