CIP is now accepting nominations for the honours of Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners and Honorary Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners. The deadline for nominations, which requires the submission of a complete dossier package, is January 28, 2022.

You can find all the necessary details regarding eligibility and the dossier package in the nomination guidelines for each honour.

Consider nominating a colleague for one of the following:


Election as a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners is the highest honour the Institute can give to a planner. This honour recognizes excellence, identifies prominent role models, promotes advances in planning practice, and draws leaders to the forefront of planning in Canada. Such professional attainment and experience must be significant at a national or international planning context.

Fellows proudly use the designation FCIP, to denote Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners (FCIP).

The process

To become a Fellow, a member must be nominated by another member in good standing and adhere to the nomination criteria located in this section. The nomination is then brought before the Fellows Selection Jury, who makes a recommendation to the CIP Board of Directors. 

Honorary Members

Recognition as an Honorary Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners is the highest honour the Institute can bestow upon a non-planner. This prestigious distinction recognizes individuals working outside of the planning profession who have contributed significantly by promoting or enhancing planning practice, the profession, or both. This honour acknowledges an individual’s extraordinary contribution to vitality, resilience, and sustainability in one or more communities across Canada and/or around the world.

The process

To become an Honorary Member, an individual must be nominated by a professional (MCIP™/FCIP) or retired member of CIP in good standing and adhere to the nomination criteria. 

Awards for Planning Excellence: New Timeline for 2022

CIP is adjusting the timeline for its signature Awards for Planning Excellence. In 2022, the nominations for these awards will be opening on June 27, with a deadline of September 30. Look out for more information coming in the new year!