Becoming a Planner
The Road to Certification
In Canada, the Provincial or Territorial Institutes or Associations (PTIAs) regulate the planning profession. This means the path to certification differs across different regions.

Who Certifies Professional Planners In Canada?
In Quebec, the l’Ordre des urbanistes du Québec (OUQ) administers its own certification process for planners and should be contacted for more information.
All other regions follow the certification program operated by the Professional Standards Board for the Planning Profession in Canada (PSB), which oversees the six steps to becoming a registered professional planner:
How to Become a Registered Professional Planner
Apply to the Professional Standards Board (PSB)
New applicants can apply either through an accredited degree, Prior Learning Assessment Route (PLAR), or through the reciprocal route.
Become a Candidate Member
Once the PSB receives the application and it is approved by the PTIA, the applicant becomes a “Candidate” member and has seven years to complete the requirements.
Participate in Mentorship
Candidates meet regularly with their mentor to discuss planning and the varying competencies.
Log Work Experience
With the assistance of a sponsor, Candidates will log their work experience.
Take the Ethics & Professionalism Course
Candidates must successfully complete an ethics and professionalism course.
Pass the Professional Examination
To complete the certification process and become a registered professional planner, Candidates must pass a final, multiple-choice examination.
To embark on your journey to certification, please contact the PSB or, if you reside in Québec, please contact the OUQ.