Helping Solve the Housing Challenge
There’s no one solution to the housing crisis, as mounting concerns about affordability and choice intensify across the country.
In 2023, Canada’s population reached 40 million and it is expected to increase by another 1.5 million by 2025, largely due to ambitious immigration goals. While this rapid population increase is planned to benefit the economy, it will also create pressure on the already volatile housing market.
Planners are in a unique position to influence structural issues around housing and CIP is committed to supporting planners in addressing this challenge.

CIP envisions a future in which the planning and development of housing in Canada allows for a diverse supply of affordable, accessible, and adequate housing across the spectrum, and accommodates the needs of our multi-generational society.”

Aspiring for More
CIP is currently in the process of developing the long-term aspirations for this area of work.
Taking Action
Our Housing Work
Rapid population growth is good for the economy, but it will put a lot of pressure on the already unstable housing market. It’s up to planners to aid in addressing this issue in order to help build a better future for Canada’s population.
Plan Canada
The Spring 2023 edition of Plan Canada magazine focused on Housing Affordability and Choices. Following the publication, a panel of authors shared more insights from their articles and dove deeper into the theme, looking at the points of intersection and difference between their work during a webinar on Housing Affordability.

Healthy Community Guidelines
CIP is a proud partner of the Housing for Health (H4H) initiative based at the University of Alberta and focused on the connection between housing, the built-environment, and health. A result of this collaboration is the Healthy Community Guidelines created through a partnership of more than 100 multi-sector partners.
National Discussions on Housing Issues
CIP is a member of the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Planning Research Advisory Committee. Representative Lilian Chau, RPP, MCIP is providing a planning perspective to national discussions on important housing issues.
National Conference
Housing issues are also on the agenda at CIP’s annual conferences. The sessions address topics such as prioritizing non-market housing, exploring complex housing challenges with diverse stakeholders through co-design, addressing housing needs for vulnerable seniors, and more.
100+: Canada’s Profile on Urban SDGs
CIP is a proud partner of the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park – Powered by Daniels on the 100+: Canada’s Profile on Urban Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) project. In collaboration with OPPI, the CIP College of Fellows nominated projects exemplifying sustainable urban development and work towards achieving UN-Habitat’s Housing and Urban SDGs.
More Resources

Check out our latest blog posts on housing.

Watch our latest webinars on housing.

Read more resources on housing in our resource library.

See who we’re working with on housing.