World Town Planning Day
Enhancing Communities Through Planning
On World Town Planning Day, held November 8 every year, planners and communities all over the world come together to celebrate how good planning improves the lives of people and benefits society at large, creating places to live, work, and play together.

Homes Start with Planning: 2024 WTPD Conference
We are pleased to be a partner of the American Planning Association’s annual virtual conference for WTPD.
This year’s theme is Homes Start With Planning and sessions will focus on the role of planners and planning in delivering housing that meets the needs of our communities and in helping to create equitable, inclusive, and sustainable solutions for all.
This year also marks the 75th anniversary of WTPD, making this a historic occasion to highlight Canadian planning to an international audience.
Help Declare November 8 World Town Planning Day!
On November 8, 2024, we mark a significant milestone—the 75th anniversary of World Town Planning Day.
Planners play a crucial role in shaping our communities, and this anniversary is an opportunity to showcase planning contributions across Canada.
To help you highlight this occasion in your community, we have created a customizable WTPD Declaration form. You can use the forms below to petition your municipality or region to officially recognize and celebrate this day.
Not sure how to submit a declaration? We’ve compiled a list of cities with online resources to guide you through the process
British Columbia l Alberta l Prince Edward Island l Yukon
Vancouver l Edmonton l Calgary l Saskatoon l Regina l Ottawa l Gatineau l Toronto l Halifax l St. John’s
“We believe housing is a challenge that requires multi-level, collaborative, and holistic approaches bringing together communities, private and public sector actors, and all levels of government. And we know that planners and planning professionals stand ready to play their part in harnessing transformative changes for a better, fairer, more sustainable future.”
Global Planners Network, 2024
Get Involved
Here’s how you can get involved with World Town Planning Day:
- Check the Events Calendar for CIP and local activities and events.
- Join the campaign and share your stories about the positive impact of planning in building more resilient cities and communities wherever you are in the world.
- Download the World Town Planning Day Logo here to use on your social stories and posts.
- Use the hashtags #WTPD and #WorldTownPlanningDay, and be sure to tag CIP in your post.
Did you know?
Argentinian professor Carlos María della Paolera started World Town Planning Day in Buenos Aires in 1949. It is now celebrated in over 30 countries with webinars, conferences, school competitions, fundraising, charity events, planning awards, bike rides, and street festivals.