2022 Annual Report
Focused Impact
Aaniin, Boozhoo! Ullakut! Hello, Bonjour!
CIP respectfully acknowledges our office is located on the unceded territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation. CIP values the ongoing stewardship of all First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.
Letter From Our President, Dan Huang RPP, MCIP

It is a privilege to be providing this annual President’s Report from Victoria, British Columbia, located on the traditional territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Lekwungen) people, represented today by the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations. I am especially grateful in my “day job” to have the opportunity to work with so many Indigenous communities across Canada, in support of their journey towards reconciliation and self-determination.
In 2022, I was honoured to be re-elected by the membership for another term on the CIP Board (until 2025) and then honoured again by my fellow Board Directors to be instilled as your CIP President for two more years. I do not take this honour for granted, and I will continue to do my best and “try forward” in my role over the coming year, and then work closely with the Board for a seamless transition to the new President and CIP Executive in 2024.
Throughout this past year and the first part of 2023, our planning profession and CIP organization have faced a number of highs and lows, with many notable achievements but with a number of continued challenges. As an organization, we surpassed 8,000 members and continue to grow. We are seeing strong participation in our conferences and webinars, scholarship and bursary opportunities (including a new CIP-funded Diversity Impact Bursary with the CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund), and other programs and initiatives.
Our many dedicated volunteers continue to support our planning ecosystem across the country as well as with our international partners. Volunteers are vital to the success of CIP, and I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your many contributions over the years.
At the 2022 CIP/PIBC Conference in Whistler, we released our five-year Strategic Plan (2022-2027) with a refreshed Vision, Mission, and Values. The plan strives for “1,835 Days of Impact” based on three key priority areas: Integrated Action on Complex Issues; More Equitable Planning, Together; and Career Support for Life. While we have had a number of successes and quick wins such as our Emerging Leaders Program and bursaries/scholarship support for students, other initiatives have yet to be launched. Still, other priority areas will require continued determination and investment, including the CIP Policy on Planning Practice and Reconciliation and our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Roadmap. We will continue to advance our Strategic Plan forward with the required financial, staff, and volunteer resources as appropriate and available, and we will be incorporating a dashboard in 2023 to measure and track our progress in these key priority areas.
There has been continued collaboration with our planning colleagues across the country including the Provincial and Territorial Institutes and Associations (PTIAs), the Professional Standards Board (PSB), and the Standards Committee (SC). A significant initiative in 2022 was the review and update of the Competency Standards and Framework, which began in 2018 in order to align with various provincial regulations and fair registration practices legislation. This has been very challenging work indeed, which attempts to create a national competency standard in order to: facilitate inter-provincial mobility of certified members; provide consistent certification and accreditation processes, and shepherd new members through the process of becoming Registered Professional Planners. Through numerous meetings and discussions in 2022 (and into 2023), it was determined that the required unanimous support of the Signatory Parties for the proposed competency standards could not be achieved, and the process has been placed on hold. Emerging from this discussion, however, was the need and desire to review the overall governance and decision-making process of the Standards Committee, to make it more agile and responsive to the future needs of our profession. This important work is set to happen in 2023, and I thank my fellow signatories and PTIA Presidents for their commitment to this review. Stay tuned for future updates, as well as my annual President’s Report in 2024!
On the international front, our relationship with the American Planning Association (APA) continues to flourish, restarting in person at the 2022 APA Conference in San Diego and renewing again at the recent 2023 APA Conference in Philadelphia, attended by myself and our CEO, Beth McMahon. I was so pleased to meet with APA President Angela Brooks (right), who will be reciprocating by attending our upcoming CIP/API Conference in Halifax. #ItTakesAPlanner.
In addition to conference sessions and business meetings, a number of delegates from the Global Planners Network (GPN) met to review and receive a presentation by Dr. Petra Hurtado, APA’s Director of Research and Foresight on the 2023 APA Trend Report for Planners. It was such a meaningful and thought-provoking discussion that we invited.
Dr. Hurtado to give a virtual presentation at the CIP 2023 AGM. Thank you in advance, Dr. Hurtado, for what we are sure will be a valuable presentation and discussion for our members.

Continuing on the international front, CIP continues to support the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) in its Call to Action on Sustainable Urbanism. In addition to being a voting member of the Conference of Delegates (Jihad Bitar RPP, MCIP), CIP members currently hold prominent roles including CAP President (Eleanor Mohammed RPP, MCIP) and Secretary-General (Kelley Moore RPP, FCIP). Still, other CIP members volunteer on various CAP committees (e.g. Women in Planning, Young Planners), of which we are very appreciative. We also continue to represent the Global Planners Network on the International Board of the World Urban Pavilion at Regent Park, Toronto, which just celebrated its first anniversary on April 11, 2023. CIP has supported the pavilion in its 100+: Canada’s Profile on Urban SDGs, and other knowledge-sharing opportunities.
I would like to take this time to especially thank all of our amazing and professional CIP staff, led by our CEO, Beth McMahon. The staff team works closely with the Board and our members in order to keep our many programs and initiatives moving forward. I would also like to thank all of my colleagues on the CIP Board during this past year, especially those Directors whose terms have expired or are no longer on the Board – Erin O’Neill, Jeff Palmer, Mark Holland, Ren Thomas, and Tonii Lerat. Your contributions have been instrumental over the years in both weathering the storm through the pandemic, as well as steering our profession towards the future with our renewed Strategic Plan.
Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you, our fellow CIP members and colleagues, especially those that represent us on the “front lines” of the planning profession. We are living in truly unprecedented times with misinformation and disrespect being foisted on our profession and towards many of us personally. CIP and our PTIA partners recently released a statement condemning these actions, and we are looking into providing better supports, tools, and techniques to help you better manage these situations. Please take care of yourselves, look out for each other, and continue to practice your craft with integrity, based on good information and research, and with the best of intentions to help make your communities the best that they can be.
Respectfully Submitted,

Dan Huang RPP, MCIP President
Letter From Our CEO, Beth McMahon

Dear members,
I am pleased to share with you some of the highlights from our Institute’s very successful year. It has been one of growth, connection, and progress, and we are proud of all that we’ve accomplished – including surpassing 8,000 members!
One of the most significant achievements of the year was the safe return of our staff to the CIP office. It was a joy to see everyone back in the office, collaborating and working together to implement the objectives of the new Strategic Plan—1,835 Days of Impact.
In July, we were thrilled to hold our first conference in three years—and our first-ever hybrid conference —bringing together 300 online delegates and 800 in-person delegates in Whistler, BC, to share knowledge, insights, and more than a few hugs.
In addition to these events, CIP launched the new membership database after 18 months of planning, which has been a tremendous success. All participating Provincial Territorial Institutes and Associations (PIBC, APPI, SPPI, MPPI, OPPI, and API) contributed to the development of the new system, which has streamlined the membership experience and improved efficiency (with more to come!). Throughout the year, CIP also continued to support the planning ecosystem as the secretariat to the Standards Committee, Joint Administrators Group, and the Planning Alliance Forum. We strongly believe that by working together across our organizations, we can achieve a greater collective impact.
I am grateful to our dedicated staff team and Board of Directors for their hard work and commitment to our mission. We could not have achieved the many successes included in this annual report without their talent, passion, and expertise. Thank you to our members and volunteers for your continued support of our Institute. We look forward to another year of growth and impact.

Beth McMahon, CEO

CIP’s New Strategic Plan—1,835 Days of Impact
With optimism and pride, CIP rolled out a new 5-year Strategic Plan (2022-2027) and refreshed Mission, Vision, and Values. 1,835 Days of Impact reflects our intention and commitment to using our collective powers for good, and creating positive change every day over the next five years.
Our Vision
Inclusive and vibrant communities, respectfully connected to the natural world, for the well-being of current and future generations.
Our Mission
To support our members, add value to the larger Canadian planning ecosystem, and advocate on priority issues for greater collective impact. We will be experimental and flexible as we explore new ways of working together and measuring impact. The plan is a roadmap, yet also a living document. It’s about progress over perfection.
177 Days of Focused Impact: 2022 Accomplishments
December 31, 2022, marked 177 days since the launch of CIP’s new five-year strategic plan. Take a look at how CIP took meaningful action for members throughout the year.

- Climate Change
- Healthy Communities
- Housing
- This year, CIP proudly celebrated four years of carbon neutrality. Since CIP’s centenary in 2019, the organization has tracked its emissions across the following categories: office space, paper and printing, employee commuting, magazine production and distribution, and staff and volunteer travel. CIP continuously strives to reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions from its operations, including at the annual national conference, and to offset our emissions through the yearly purchase of carbon credits of Gold Standard-certified projects. Read more about CIP’s commitment to carbon neutrality here.
- CIP encouraged members to celebrate Earth Day with action. Check out the environment and climate change resources that were shared with members.
- CIP was a partner and contributed in the development and launch of the Climate Change Adaptation Resource Pathway by the Climate Risk Institute.
- CIP and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) issued a joint letter of support for the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) Call to Action on Sustainable Urbanisation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- CIP partnered with the World Urban Pavilion on the 100+: Canada’s Profile on Urban SDGs initiative to nominate over twenty innovative and transformative planning projects and policies that address the urban and housing-related SDGs.
Learn more about CIP’s Policy for Climate Change Planning here.

- In recognition of National Indigenous History Month, CIP released a statement from CIP President, Dan Huang RPP, MCIP. CIP recognizes planners’ unique position to advance the process of reconciliation, which, as stated in CIP’s Policy on Planning Practice and Reconciliation, is a long-term commitment to establish and maintain a mutually respectful relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Read CIP’s resource list for National Indigenous History Month here.
- As a symbolic step towards reconciliation, the elected leadership of CIP and the PTIAs participated in a Blanket Ceremony led by Chepximiya Siyam’/Chief Janice George, Squamish hereditary chief, and her husband Skwetsimeltxw Willard ‘Buddy’ Joseph, in advance of the 2022 CIP national conference. The conference was held on the shared territories of the Lil̓wat7úl and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh peoples (Whistler, BC) and the ceremony–a reaffirmation of the profession’s support for reconciliation through learning, humility, and action–took place at the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre.
- CIP marked the second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2022. The day honours the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families, and communities. CIP acknowledges that there is much work to be done to further reconciliation and that it is not a clear or easy path forward. CIP staff took the day to engage in personal learning and reflection. Access resources where you can learn about the history of Indigenous Peoples and the continued need for truth and reconciliation here. Learn more about CIP’s commitment to reconciliation, including CIP’s Policy on Planning Practice and Reconciliation, here.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
- CIP was proud to provide funding to establish CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund (CIP-PSTF)’s new Diversity Impact Bursary. Created to specifically support Black students and students of colour, this bursary addresses the issue of under-representation in the planning profession. It reflects the priorities of CIP-PSTF and CIP in furthering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and removing financial barriers to the profession. This $5,000 bursary will be awarded for the first time in 2023.
- Throughout 2022, CIP supported the work to develop an updated national competency profile and framework for the planning profession through the Standards Committee. In the competency update, a focus on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, as well as reconciliation, was central to the initiative. In December 2022, the draft framework was circulated for feedback to the PTIAs and CIP Board and Councils.
- The theme for Black History Month 2022, “February and Forever: Celebrating Black History Today and Every Day,” encouraged us all to incorporate Black history into our learning and work on a daily basis. In honour of Black History Month, CIP released a blog, statement, and resource list to learn more about both the history of discriminatory policies in planning and the ways that planning can help to create more inclusive communities. Read the blog here.
- CIP promoted the new visualization and analysis tool (HealthyPlan) for planners, public health professionals, and policy workers in collaboration with the Canadian Urban Environment Health Research Consortium. CIP hosted a webinar for planners, Planning for Equity with Data, on how to use environmental and socioeconomic data for better planning. Watch the webinar recording here.
Learn more about CIP’s commitments to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion here.

Elevation 2.0 – The Return of Our National Conference

CIP was proud to host Elevation 2.0, our first national conference since 2019, in partnership with the Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC), in Whistler BC, July 5-8, 2022. It was the first hybrid conference in our history which allowed more members to access conference materials and connect virtually. Watch recordings from the conference on the Learning HUB here. View photos from the conference on the CIP Facebook page here.
Celebrating Our Volunteers
CIP’s accomplishments are a testament to its volunteers who ensure its governance, programs, and extensive networks are robust and effective. Thank you for your dedication and service!
CIP’s Representatives on External Bodies
CIP also recognizes its members who represent the Institute on external bodies:
Organization | Representative(s) |
Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Planning Research Advisory Board | Lilian Chau RPP, MCIP |
Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Autonomous Vehicles Task Force | Victor Ngo RPP, MCIP |
Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council (CEFAC) | Rajbir Sian, RPP, MCIP |
Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) | Jihad Bitar, PhD, RPP, MCIP |
Federation Of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) Technical Working Group | Christine Callihoo RPP, MCIP |
Institute for Work and Health (IWH) / Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) | Timothy Shah RPP, MCIP Ezra Lipton RPP, MCIP |
Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) National Steering Committee – Sea Level Guidance | Carla Stewart, RPP, MCIP |
Professional Standards Board For The Planning Profession in Canada | Greg Birch RPP, MCIP |
CAP Young Planners Network Steering Group | Champa Maduranayagam RPP, MCIP Devin Husk |
National Urban Design Awards Jury | Audrey Alemao RPP, MCIP Karen Russell RPP, FCIP (Professional Advisor) |
Professional Standards Committee For The Planning Profession in Canada | Nina Maher RPP, MCIP – Canadian Institute of Planners |

Cue the confetti! In December 2022, CIP was proud to announce that the Institute is now 8,000+ members strong. This important milestone was made possible thanks to the loyalty of every member—past and present—who has placed their trust in CIP as the voice of Canada’s planning profession since 1919. Thank you, CIP members for your commitment, loyalty, service, and support of the Institute. We are strong because of you.

What Our Members Say
According to the 2022 membership survey, the two most used member services were Plan Canada and the Monthly Plan-It newsletter.

Honours and Awards
CIP recognizes excellence across Canada through its Honours & Awards program, while its partner charity, CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund, does so through its scholarships and bursaries offerings. These extraordinary planning achievements and planners highlight the best of our communities, organizations, and individuals at every career stage.
College of Fellows Inductees
The College of Fellows is a special status for members of CIP, which recognizes excellence, identifies prominent role models, promotes advancements in planning practice, and draws leaders to the forefront of planning in Canada. Recognition as a Fellow is the highest award the Institute can give to a planner and is given only to those who exhibit the highest professional attainment and a wide breadth of experience.
In 2022, CIP welcomed five new inductees into its esteemed College of Fellows:

President’s Awards
In 2022, the CIP President’s Award: Young Planner recipient was Jamilla Mohamud RPP, MCIP. As issues of racism, colonialism and equity broaden the priorities of planners, Ms. Mohamud will be among the leaders redefining what it means to be an inclusive, healthy community.
This award celebrates the leaders of tomorrow and recognizes young planners (under the age of 35) for their vision, leadership, and/or service to the profession.

The President’s Award: Student recognizes one graduating student from each accredited planning program (undergraduate and graduate) in Canada, who has demonstrated an outstanding contribution to their future profession. This contribution may be assessed through a wide range of contributing factors, including academic and extracurricular contributions.
- Manar Aburyeana, Dalhousie University
- Priscilla Ankomah-Hackman, University of Toronto
- Anne Benaroya, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Alex Benzie, University of Waterloo
- Stuti Bhatt, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Payton Carter, University of Northern British Columbia
- Laura Clark, Vancouver Island University
- Claire De Souza, McGill University
- Janika Frances Sincero Sumaylo, University of Alberta
- Gina Fung, Queen’s University
- Jay Heule, University of Calgary
- Addison Milne-Price, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Myfannwy Pope, Simon Fraser University
- Celina Ruhland, University of British Columbia
- Amaury Sainjon, Université Laval
- Denny Slough, University of Saskatchewan
- Emily Sousa, University of Guelph
- Katrina Villeneuve, University of Alberta
- Elias Ziff, University of Alberta
- Melissa Le Geyt, University of Waterloo
- Sarah Manteuffel, University of Manitoba
- Ryan Kyle, Toronto Metropolitan University
Plan Canada Awards
The Plan Canada award recognizes the best articles published in Plan Canada the preceding year. These articles, and full issues of the magazines, are accessible through the CIP Member Area.
Article of the Year
Urban Planning Education After Black Lives Matter
By Cecille de Laurentis
“To deliver on stated commitments towards racial justice, de Laurentis calls for professional planning education to reconnect with experiential learning and highlights several existing programs as case studies. The article reminds us that planning practice is to be based on an understanding of our local communities, continuously questioned to be relevant with the times, and is ultimately about empowering people.”

Congratulations to CIP’s New 2022 MCIPs
Thank you to the 2022 CIP Staff Team